Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First music recived

Last night Justin R Durban sent me his first version of the first 8 minutes of the film. So far I'm very happy with his work, he has really started to nail the more darker mood and emotion I'm looking for in the score.

I wanted to work with Justin for I think he has a very good sense of mixing both big adventure action packed music with intimate emotional.

My pitch to him about the music is that I want this to be a sort of darker sci-fi then the other Star Wars films. Which normally are very light hearted even thou they are dealing with dark themes. Such as Alien3 and Transformers.
We will use the original opening and end credits music composed by John Williams, to maintain the Star Wars feel to the film. But everything in-between that will be new and introduce you to a new darker Star Wars.

Justin Durban's website:

I'm looking forward to hear more from him. Currently he is scoring the space battle of the movie!

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